Friday, February 3, 2012


And now for the moment you've all been waiting for(said in the coolest announcer voice). For some reason my mind automatically goes to the guy from WWE Raw. Maybe it's because I have a slight fascination with the show and wish I was one of the Divas:) Ok. the last couple of days of the cleanse were kind of tough. Scoot and I both got sick the night of the 9th day and could not bring ourselves to take the fiber drink(it would not have been a pretty sight). So I just took my MNS Max3 pack and continued on. The funny part is that we don't have a scale in the house, so I went to Target to "run some errands". Basically I went their to use a scale and measure myself and then just browsed the clearance stuff.

So the results of the 10 Day Cleanse are...
4lbs and 7inches lost! That may not seem like a lot, but in all honestly I didn't have a lot to loose and I did not work out at all.

Here is the breakdown
Weight: 120lbs Now:116lbs
Neck: 12inches Now: 11.75inches
Chest: 30.5 inches Same
Arm: (R)9.75inches (L)9.5inches Same
Waist: 24.75inches Now: 23inches
Hips: 36inches Now: 34inches
Thighs: (R)18inches (L)18.5inches Now: (R)17.25inches (L)18inches
Calves: (R)13inches (L)13.25inches Now: (R)12.25inches (L)12.25inches

The best part is that I feel great!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Diaper dilema

For the past 20 months diapering has always been on my mind. When I was preggers I decided that we would use cloth diapers and after some research decided on gdiapers. We then decided that we had to wait until P gained some weight. Once she did we were a little to used to normal disposables and were having some leak issues. Scott was also
not on board(it grossed him out). I have always kept up on our stash and used them on days when I was home all day. Fast forward to September 2011(when I started nannying) and the little boy I watch is cloth diapered. Now theirs is a little different because they use a service, but it reminded me of how easy it is and the money that can be saved. I have purchased all of our outer cover/liners/insert used from Diaper Swappers I will also be making some of my own inserts soon and larger outer covers. So stay tuned for that:)

So, after some thought I have decided to give it a go again. Scott is still not on board, but hopefully he will learn. Since I travel to and from their house everyday with P, I needed something that I could transport the dirty diapers back to our house. A diaper pail was too bulky and I can't carry that in addition to P, my purse, and her lunchbox. Enter, a 'wet bag'(basically a laundry bag). So for $12 I was able to make one, which to me is way better than the $20-$30 price tag everywhere else.

It was super easy to make. You need 1/2 yard of PUL fabric, 1/2 any cotton fabric(pick a fun pattern), zipper, and matching thread. I pretty much followed this tutorial except I made it larger and added a handle so I can hang it up and carry it. I am super pleased with how it turned out and am looking forward to using it!!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Eating out

Sorry I missed a couple days on here. Peyton got pretty sick, so my focus has been there. We are both trucking along on the cleanse and feeling great! We are currently on day six. On Friday and Saturday I ate out. Friday, I went to Olive Garden with a couple girlfriends and Saturday we went to TGIF's while Scott's parents were in town. At Olive Garden I have their Grilled Chicken Limone with whole wheat pasta and a salad. The only hard part was watching everyone else eat the bread sticks, but my meal was great. At TGIF's I had the Chicken Picotta Pasta again with whole wheat pasta and no cheese. I was a little hesitant about the flavors, but it was great and a large enough portion for me to be able to bring some home:) I just wanted to remind you that it is not difficult to eat out while on the cleanse, you just need to be conscious of what is in the dish and ask your server about other substitutes. Hope you all are having a great weekend!!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Work a 20 month old

So, as many of you know(i am assuming there are only like two people reading this) I am a avid crafter. If I think I can make it, I will. So the other day while fueling my obsession on Pinterest, I came across a blog that shows you how to make leggings for kids. And it's SUPER easy! Ihave made one pair already and I wish I could pull them off like Peyton does or like all the models/celebrities do.
Here is the link she also has one where you can add a skirt or ruffles

I followed this tutorial perfectly and I believe my result was the same. Now I will be making them all the time!!!

Oh and here is a snap shot of P wearing them today

Inch by inch

So I was feeling pretty good this morning and decided to measure my waist and hips. I wasn't planning on taking any measurements until the end, but I got curious. I am down a full inch in my waist and 1/2inch in my hips! That is after two full days!!!

Ok, lets talk about eating. My morning routine is the same...fiber drink, supplements, and shake. Then I always have a Spark. I have a meal replacement bar(chocolate peanut butter) for lunch along with some tuna. I snacked on nuts, carrots, and fruit during the day. Then for dinner I sauteed chicken, mushrooms, and peppers together and had over whole wheat pasta. It was yummy and light.

I should also mention that I have not been working out. I have maybe worked out 3-4 times since giving birth to Peyton(she is 20months old). To me, that is just a testament to the products. They work and you don't have to be a workout fanatic to have them work. Although you would more than likely get better results if you did. The purpose of the cleanse isn't only to loose weight. It is there to help restart your body and take away the bad bacteria and replace it with the good ones.

Ok, enough talk about the cleanse. I'll be back later to share the sweet pleather leggings I made Peyton, along with how I did it:)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Done with day one

Wow, I forgot how quickly you start to feel the cleanse working. We started our day off with the fiber drink and then our meal replacement drinks. I love the berry, but Scott doesn't, so he takes the chocolate. I always used to associate a chalking/gross taste with meal shakes, but let me tell you...these are AWESOME(said in Ashton Kutcher's voice) Ten points if you can name the movie! Ok Kate, FOCUS. I had tuna for lunch and snacked on some fruit and nuts during the day. Then I made tilapia and asparagus for dinner and let me tell you, I don't know why I don't make it more often. I used a salt free seasoning(Mrs. Dash) and a little bit of extra virgin olive oil. It always surprises me that you can make a flavorful meal with just a few things. Oh, and dessert... a plain rice cake with peanut butter(Skippy's Natural). You may be thinking that it's not a dessert, but oh man, could I eat a ton of those. Alrighty folks, that is day one and it feels great. Keep checking back for more Cleanse info and some craft projects!!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Oil change time

Tomorrow, 1/24/2012, Scott and I start our Advocare 10 Day Cleanse ( we are so excited about it! We consider this and oil change for our bodies. We can eat on the cleanse and don't have to worry about being by a bathroom(i know, maybe a little TMI). We will be keeping you updated over the next 10 days on how we are feeling and the changes with our bodies. Neither of us is looking to loose weight, but instead looking to reboot our system. On average people loose about 5-7lbs on the cleanse. So, here are my stats on day 1...

Weight: 120lbs
Neck: 12inches
Chest: 30.5 inches
Arm: (R)9.75inches (L)9.5inches
Waist: 24.75inches
Hips: 36inches
Thighs: (R)18inches (L)18.5inches
Calves: (R)13inches (L)13.25inches

Looking forward to keeping you updated!